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The Award Ceremony

JAKARTA – One of the key to the development of our business is front-line employees. We respect and highly appreciate all great efforts and genuine honesty that had been projected by our employees, and in return, making our customers confident in hiring SJS as the chosen provider for Facilities Services.

From the effort that has been done, then we provide an appreciation for our employees. Our Award Show was held as a form of appreciation that we devoted to our employees. The Award Show was attended by the owner and the company’s board of directors in which we jointly soluble in joyous atmosphere

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9th Diamond Award

As a manifestation of our gratitude to the employees who have established themselves with extraordinary character, especially when they found a valuables item and return it back to the owner, we appreciate them with “The Diamond Award”. We are grateful that they had become good ambassadors to the company.

The Award are given directly by our shareholders, commissioner and board of directors. The recipient award for the period is..

Diamond 1


1. Abdul Rohman
2. Ade Dahlia
3. Ade Diah R.
4. Ade Susanti
5. Afsari Aprillia
6. Agus Setiawan
7. Ahmad Ali
8. Ahmad Gozali
9. Ahmad Muhsih
10. Ahmad Sopyan
11. Ahmad Taufik
12. Ahmad Yosi
13. Aji Warjaya
14. Andrianus W.
15. Ani Restu H.
16. Anisyah Stapani
17. Apria Tanti
18. Apriyandi
19. Arif Budiman
20. Aripin
21. Aripin
22. Ariyani
23. Asep
24. Asep Nurseha
25. Asman
26. Binti Masruloh
27. Bobby Suhardi
28. Cindi Wulandari
29. Dahlia
30. Dara Alia A.
31. Darisman Sanjaya
32. Dede Miftahul Ulum
33. Deden Hermawan
34. Dedi Sudrajat
35. Desi Sisfania
36. Desy Andini
37. Dewi Nurundia Astuty


Diamond 2


1. Dina Nuriana
2. Eddy Candra
3. Edi Junaedi
4. Edi Suryadi
5. Efendi Zarkasi
6. Eko Romdoni
7. Elah Nurhaelah
8. Endang Suprapti
9. Ermelinda Meo
10. Fahrur Roji
11. Ferry Wijaya
12. Firmansyah
13. Fitri
14. Gigin Ginanjar
15. Hamdari
16. Helmi Saputra
17. Herawati
18. Heri Hidayatullah
19. Heti Rosmiati
20. Igo Picky Saputra
21. Imas Sumiati
22. Irnawati
23. Ismayanti
24. Iwan Irwandi
25. Jaki Armandianto
26. Jaya Sudirman
27. Joko Budianto
28. Joko Purwono
29. Jul Hendrik
30. Jumadi
31. Jumaesih
32. Karlina
33. Kautsar Zulkifli
34. Kulsumawati
35. Lantip Yuliyanto
36. Leni Karlina
37. Leo Isbulah


Diamond 3

1. Lestari
2. Lilis Tinawati
3. Lina Puspita
4. Lukman Hakim
5. M. Taufik
6. Maryasin
7. Masito
8. Matheos Puji Sanjaya L
9. Mayang Andini
10. Mila Rosa
11. Mimin
12. Moh. Miftah Haerudin
13. Muhamad Soleh
14. Muhani
15. Mulya Sari
16. Mulyono
17. Nadya Rizky Aryani
18. Nain
19. Nandy Herdian
20. Neneng Widia Rosita Buana
21. Nining Setiawati
22. Noorin
23. Novi Yanti Nas
24. Nudin
25. Nur Kholis
26. Nurhasan
27. Nurjen
28. Ponirah
29. Purwanti
30. Putri Permatasari
31. Rahmat Darmawan
32. Rahmat Hidayat
33. Ramai Br Kemit
34. Rendy
35. Restiana
36. Ria Dian Mayasari
37. Rianah


Diamond 4


1. Richsan Ardy
2. Rifqotunnida
3. Rihayati
4. Rima Nuryani
5. Rinaldi
6. Rini Farahmitha
7. Risris Arisandi
8. Rita Rahayu
9. Robi Abdulah
10. Ropih
11. Rully
12. Rusniati
13. Samsul Hidayatullah
14. Seno Pamuji
15. Sepriyatna
16. Siti Khorinisah
17. Siti Nurherliyana
18. Siti Ropikoh
19. Sofiah
20. Solichin
21. Suginah
22. Suleha
23. Sulistiarti
24. Sumita
25. Sumiyati
26. Suni Silfania
27. Suparjo
28. Suryadi Haerudin
29. Susan Agustina
30. Susanti
31. Susanti
32. Sutarman
33. Tirah
34. Topan Aji Ismawan
35. Tri Astuti
36. Umiyah
37. Wahyu Gautama
38. Wasta
39. Yamin Abdul Rachman
40. Yani
41. Yuda Purnama
42. Zaini
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SJS as the best vendor in 2015 by PT. Marga Mandalasakti (an Astra International Company)

The Best Supplier 2015JAKARTA – SJS as the best vendor in 2015 by PT. Marga Mandalasakti (an Astra International Company)

To increase cooperation between companies and partners, PT Marga Mandalasakti (MMS) as part of the Astra Group which is engaged in the business line of the highway on segment Tangerang-Merak, hold Vendor and Supplier Expo Gathering 2016 which is different from previous years and held more festive in New Building United Tractors, Cakung, East Jakarta, Wednesday (20/04/2016).

MMS invites 13 companies Astra incorporated in Astra Affiliated Company (AFFCO), the Toyota Sales Operation, Daihatsu Sales Operation, Isuzu Sales Operation, United Tractors, Traktor Nusantara, Bina Pertiwi, Nissan United Diesel, Asuransi Astra, Astra Mitra Ventura, San Finance , Bank Permata and Astra Graphia Information Technology and TRAC Astra to participate in this event.

The presence of some of the Astra Group company this year in an effort to introduce mutual business activities and information needs to vendors and suppliers MMS, is also expected to create a good synergy for all vendors and suppliers in the Astra Group.

In addition to establishing harmonious, this annual activity is also a form of gratitude MMS to business partners which already cooperated well during this time, especially in the procurement of goods and services that contributed to the smooth operation of the company.

On this occasion MMS gives awards to the four best partner for vendors and suppliers. A number of nominees has been rated the best vendor management MMS based product quality, timeliness meet work schedules, compliance aspects of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE), the completeness of project team personnel, response times against claims. While the criteria for the best rated nominated supplier of the cooperative aspect, quality, timeliness of delivery, compliance with the appropriate quantity and price accordingly reservations market.

The awarding of vendors and suppliers in 2016 was awarded to the two winners of the best category of construction, that is PT Mitrapasific Consulindo International and PT Elias Jaya Perkasa and awards vendor constructions with compliance aspects HSE best given to PT Kadi International, while the two best winners in the non construction achieved by PT Sinar Jernih Sarana and PT Citra Mulia Uri.

“During this time MMS continue to implement corporate governance system with the principles of Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Obviously, one whose role in realizing it was vendors and suppliers. Therefore, we thank you for your cooperation during this time, “said Halim Wahjana, Director of Finance and Administration MMS, via a press release submitted to Radar Online Banten.

We also congratulate the partners who received the award this year, hopefully to spur the spirit to continuously improve performance and braided good cooperation“, said Halim.

Vendor and Supplier Expo Gathering 2016 theme “Sinergi Astra Bersama Vendor Membangun Indonesia”, with this theme MMS and the Astra group who are involved in this event invite vendors and suppliers to enhance their performance and their quality with good cooperation to jointly develop Indonesia into a better.

The event was attended by 150 vendors and suppliers, which consists of the construction of roads, bridges, gates and office buildings as well as office electronics, office equipment, printing, food and more.

MMS continues to make improvement in every enterprise business process interaction with vendors and suppliers in a focused and measured by continuously applying GCG in order to support the achievement of the target company.

Courtesy of Radar Banten, Resources:

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