As the implementation of one of our corporate strategy, starting this year, we had held an awarding event of “ Best Employee” for our employees that had proven themselves to be the best operator for our customers. This celebration was conducted for our front liners and supporting departments.

The event was filled with burning passion and spirit, establishing a healthy competition among employees to always perform with excellence. We hope they can pass the extraordinary behaviour to our 6000 employees and making this awarding ceremony as their valuable memory.

And the winner for this period is..



1. Aang Afandi              2. Nahrawi

Aang Afandi 17416 Central Park Mall       Nahrowi 7163 PMO Mobile



1. Chandra Sumirat         2. Wida Lestari              3. Yuliana

Chandra Sumirat 18715 Alamanda Tower          Wida Lestari 11745 Regata Apartment          Yuliana 12753 RS.Brawijaya



1. Ayu Setyorini         2. Gigin Ginanjar       3. Mallombassi D. E.

Ayu Setyorini 14443          Gigin Ginanjar 6558 Central Park Mall         Mallombassi Daeng Erang 0840613



1. Aldy Maulana          2. Ariyanti Dewi          3. Budi Setiawan       4. Dahlia Kurniasih       5. Desi Ratnasari           6. Eka Nofiah

Aldy Maulana 16298         Ariyanti Dewi 13778         Budi Setiawan 13534         Dahlia Kurniasih 13486         Desi Ratnasari 014164         Eka Nofiah 22403

7. Fatiah Rifaat            8. Firmansyah                  9. Firman                 10. Haryis N.                11. Henry T.                12. Herin A.

Fatiah Rifaat 19497         Firmansyah 12260         Firman 10115        Haryis Nurzamil. 07693         Henry Trimartanto         Herin Agustiawan 1733

13. Igmawati             14. Jumiah             15. Kasih Riyanti       16. Nanda Wahyudi     17. Normuhamad H.       18. Saepul Bahri

Igmawati 15668         Jumiah 5045         Kasih Riyanti 15474         Nanda Wahyudi 16785         Normuhamad Husen 19190         Saepul Bahri 19377

19. Slamet Widodo      20. Sri Maryanti            21. Sumartono               22. Suparno             23. Topik Sugara         24. Uun Nasriyah

Slamet Widodo 006920         Sri Maryanti 9221         Sumartono 19161         Suparno 19365         Topik Sugara 5830         Uun Nasriyah 021804

25. Wahidin            26. Yadi Supriyadi

Wahidin 3219         Yadi Supriyadi