The Diamond Award event held every 4 months by SJ’ers Team Event as the appreciation of the Management Team SJSFS to those who uphold honesty by returning goods that are found in the work area to its owner. Honesty is very appreciated by the Management Team SJSFS where as well as a diamond stone is very valuable in value because of the clarity and overstepped the stone, as well as honesty in the show by the winner of the Diamond Award, where honesty is a very rare thing.

The awards ceremony The Diamond Award to 11 was held on January 25, 2017 held at the South Jakarta Amaroossa Cosmo Hotel with invited 100 representatives of The Diamond Award winner of the total number of 420 winner was lively and full of joy.

Thanks and Congratulations to the award winner, it is your actions bring good name SJSFS, the company that you love and be proud of this, SJSFS success … success … success … Yess !!!

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