JAKARTA – The 13th The Diamond Award was held on 20 September 2017 at the Cosmo Amaroossa Hotel in South Jakarta by inviting 100 representatives of “The Diamond Award” recipients.

The recipients of the 13th The Diamond Award are divided into 4 groups and receive the Award from Mr. Norman Edward Sebastian as President Commissioner, Mr. Adi Permadi as President Director and Board of Directors and Department Heads. Besides receiving the Award, management also given money as a reward to the employees. Employees served with a variety of entertainment events such as folk dances, comedy and songs performed directly by the employees themselves and finally treat a banquet.

Thank you and Congratulations to the 13th “The Diamond Award” recipients, indeed your actions bring the good name of SJSFS, the company you love and are proud to keep awake, SJSFS success … success … success … Yess !!!.